Securely share confidential documents

Professional services must maintain the security of sensitive information particularly when working collaboratively. When working in these environments documents are frequently circulated between teams for input and revision. The documents could be viewed by hackers, resulting in financial losses, reputational damage and even legal liability.

A majority of businesses use a combination of methods to securely share sensitive documents when they need to share sensitive data. This can be done via email or collaboration platforms such as Google Docs or Dropbox, or by physically handing them to a person in person. Although each method has its own unique risk It is important to prioritize data protection and privacy to protect confidential documents from unauthorized access.

File encryption is among the most effective methods to safeguard private information. The encryption makes files inaccessible to unauthorised users, and could hinder unauthorized printing, copying and sharing. File encryption is a feature that should be included in any software for sharing files and can be integrated into secure document management systems.

Passwords are a way to safeguard shared files. However they’re not free of flaws. For instance, passwords could be shared with unauthorized users and are susceptible to being hacked. They also don’t stop other behaviors like deleting, printing, cutting and pasting or saving a file in a different format. To ensure that files are protected, they need to be secured with PDF DRM software prior to sending.

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