British journalist Gavin Praetor, the founder and permanent chairman of the Society of Fans of Clouds, uniting artists, philosophers and amateur meteorologists around the world, knows about this phenomenon everything.

British journalist Gavin Praetor, the founder and permanent chairman of the Society of Fans of Clouds, uniting artists, philosophers and amateur meteorologists around the world, knows about this phenomenon everything. Where do the clouds come from, how much they weigh, what forms can take, what weather portended, and also what they thought about clouds in ancient times and what they know about them these days – the author of “entertaining cloudships” reason not only competently, but also poetic. The charming, witty and informative book of Praetor-Pinnei will allow the reader to see the new facets of the usual and make you reconsider the established opinion, according to which to stare into the sky is the occupation of obviously meaningless and unpromising.

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