The post-closing trial balance is a report that is created to verify all of a company’s temporary accounts are closed and their new beginning balance has been reset to zero. For companies that use accounting software, this will be done automatically. But for those using spreadsheets or ledgers to manually record accounting transactions, it’s essential to make sure each temporary account balance is set to zero when the new accounting period begins.

They are prepared at various stages of the accounting cycle but serve the same purpose, which is to test the equality of debits and credits. The purpose of the post-closing trial balance is to ensure the total of all debits and credits equal each other to result in a net of zero. A net-zero post-closing trial balance therefore indicates that all temporary accounts are closed, the beginning balances are back at zero, and the next accounting period can begin. The post-closing trial balance is the last trial balance to be prepared before the next accounting period begins. It is useful for making sure the next period’s beginning balances are accurate.

Module 4: Completing the Accounting Cycle

The owner equity is listed on the right side (credit side) of the trial balance sheet. The owner’s equity is the proportion of the assets that the owners claim and the shareholders. The equity is calculated by subtracting the liabilities total from the assets total.

  • It closes out balances in both expense and revenue accounts, which allows you to start tracking these totals again in the new accounting period.
  • In addition, they have a similar format and follow the same principle.
  • Nominal accounts are those found on the income statement, as well as withdrawals.
  • Preparing the post closing trial balance is one of the last steps in the accounting cycle.

Its purpose is to test the equality between debits and credits after closing entries are prepared and posted. The post-closing trial balance contains real accounts only since all nominal accounts have already been closed at this stage. We can observe the difference between the adjusted trial balance and the post-closing trial balance. All the temporary accounts like revenue and expense accounts have been closed out into the retained earnings account via the income summary account (as previously explained). A post-closing is performed to verify the equality of debits and credits once closing entries have been produced and posted.

Why is a post closing trial balance performed?

The purpose of this trial balance is to make sure that no more temporary account balances exist before the books are rolled forward into the next year. Many students who enroll in an introductory accounting course do not plan to become accountants. They will work in a variety of jobs in the business field, including managers, sales, and finance. Accounting software can perform such tasks as posting the journal entries recorded, preparing trial balances, and preparing financial statements. Students often ask why they need to do all of these steps by hand in their introductory class, particularly if they are never going to be an accountant. If you have never followed the full process from beginning to end, you will never understand how one of your decisions can impact the final numbers that appear on your financial statements.

Post-Closing Trial Balance Purpose

This assists corporate stakeholders and owners in making strategic business decisions, which might range from expanding an area of the business to purchasing large equipment to improve productivity. A post-closing trial balance is one of many financial statements and sheets that a financial professional will prepare for the company. In this article, we will discuss a post-closing trial balance, its importance, as well as how to prepare it. We’ll also compare the post-closing trial balance vs the adjusted trial balance using an example. A successful company monitors its finances and keeps track of all its credits and debits.


All of the adjustments should be made to the ledgers and trial balance. Once the adjustments are completed, we then get the adjusted trial balance. The primary purpose of preparing this post-closing trial balance is to ensure that all accounts are balanced and ready for recording the next period of financial transactions.

To prepare a post-closing trial balance, each account balance is transferred from the ledger accounts. Like all trial balances, the post-closing trial balance has the job of verifying that the debit and credit totals are equal. The post-closing trial balance has one additional job that the other trial balances do not have. The post-closing trial balance is also used to double-check that the only accounts with balances after the closing entries are permanent accounts. If there are any temporary accounts on this trial balance, you would know that there was an error in the closing process.

The retained earnings account is a new permanent account listed on this trial balance which you won’t find in the trial balances (adjusted and unadjusted) that preceded the post-closing trial balance. Preparing the post-closing trial balance follows the same steps as preparing the unadjusted trial balance and adjusted trial balance. On the post-closing trial balance, only permanent account balances should appear. These amounts in post-closing T-accounts are transferred to the post-closing trial balance’s debit or credit column. When all accounts have been recorded, total each column and double-check that the columns match.

You will not understand how your decisions can affect the outcome of your company. As with the unadjusted and adjusted trial balances, both the debit and credit columns are calculated at the bottom of a trial balance. If these columns aren’t equal, the trial balance was prepared incorrectly or the closing entries weren’t transferred to the ledger accounts accurately. A post-closing trial balance will be formatted the same as the other two types of trial balances that have already been discussed. It will have three columns (account names, debit and a credit column). Like an unadjusted or an adjusted trial balance, it will have accounts listed in order of either their account numbers or in the order they appear on the balance sheet.

If they do not match, it indicates that there is an error in the accounting records that needs to be corrected. A post-closing trial balance is, as the term suggests, prepared after closing entries are recorded and posted. It is the third (and last) trial balance prepared in the accounting cycle.


Unlike previous trial balances, the retained earnings figure is included, which was obtained through the closing process. Once all adjusting entries have been recorded, the result is the adjusted trial balance. This one contains entries pertaining to account reconciliation adjustments, depreciation entries, and charges of prepaid expenses to expense. The accountant may prepare a series of adjusted trial balances, making a number of adjusting entries before closing the books for the month.

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