Survive the experience of denial, reconsider priorities, learn to cope and … continue to go forward! So did Selena Gomez and Lady Gaga after a terrible diagnosis. About “illness with a thousand faces” and why the systemic lupus erythematosus is not a verdict, says a hepatologist.

System red lupus (SLE) – chronic autoimmune disease. In people with such a disease, the immune system works differently: at some point it fails and begins to attack the body’s own healthy cells. As a result, inflammation occurs, and several organs and systems can come under blow at the same time.

In the very name of the disease, one of its most characteristic features is hidden – the rashes of red on the face, the appearance of which may be associated with the presence of the sun. These rashes in shape are similar to a butterfly and, as they thought in the Middle Ages, resemble a bite of a wolf – hence the “lupus”.

What scientists know about lupus?

Although it has already been proven that this is a disease with a hereditary predisposition, as such, the lupus gene by scientists has not yet been found. The causes of systemic lupus erythematosus are not fully studied: the disease can be triggered by hormonal imbalance during puberty, pregnancy, as well as environmental factors – stress, infection, and especially the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

In 9 out of 10 cases, SLE is found in women and most often debuts at a young age: the peak of incidence is 15–۲۵ years old. Therefore, mostly patients are young girls of able -bodied and reproductive age.

There are not many people with this unusual ailment, so we do not hear about the SLE as often as other, more common diseases. According to domestic studies, the prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus fluctuates in the range from 4 to 250 cases per 100 thousand. population. At the same time, the seriousness of the disease in no case cannot be understated.

Why “illness with a thousand faces”?

System red lupus is called “illness with a thousand faces” it is no coincidence. The symptoms of this disease are extremely diverse. The most common clinical manifestations – rash, damage to joints and muscles – are observed in 80–۹۰% of patients. In addition, patients may face disturbances in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, kidney and nervous system.

SLE is characterized by a change in laboratory indicators of blood, urine, the appearance of specific immunological markers. Sometimes the first clinical manifestation can be a pathology of pregnancy.

Due to such a wide range of symptoms, it is not easy to evaluate them and establish the correct diagnosis

Each case is really individual, and each patient requires a special approach. But it is extremely important to establish the presence of a disease in a timely manner in order to start treatment in time and prevent the development of severe consequences.

How to understand that you need to see a doctor? You can suspect SLE on several alarming symptoms, such as:

Unreasonable rise lifts of body temperature,

muscles and joints,

rashes on the skin.

Of course, the presence of these manifestations does not always indicate a disease. Only after laboratory tests and a comprehensive assessment of the state, the rheumatologist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Lupus – not a sentence

SLE – chronic disease and flows with periods of exacerbation and remission. Despite the fact that it is required to take supporting therapy on an ongoing basis, take tests and visit a doctor, today patients with lupus can lead a full life. Medicine and pharmaceuticals do not stand still, and approaches to therapy of systemic lupus erythematosus are all the time. So, today innovative treatment methods are already available, which ensure sustainable monitoring of the symptoms of the disease and improve the quality of life of patients.

To realize that you suffer from a serious chronic disease, and to accept associated cardinal changes in life is especially difficult in a young age

Many patients need years to realize that the lupus is not a terrible sentence, but a new component of their life. As part of the photo project ” Bold look at oneself “Heroes with SLE talked about what path in the fight against the disease they went, what difficulties could overcome and what helped them return to a full -fledged life.

The girls dared to look at their life from a new angle and accept themselves as they are. Their stories are support and inspiration for all those who have only learned about their diagnosis or continue to fight a systemic lupus erythematosus.

It becomes important to choose his doctor for trusting joint work. To follow the prescribed course of treatment, pay attention to changes in your condition in time and not postpone an appeal to the doctor in order to adjust therapy is the most important aspects of the successful control of lupusions.

When a serious chronic disease is reached, patients lead a full life: they work actively, play sports, travel and become parents. As participants in the photo project say, it is important not to focus on the problem, find an interesting business and not be shy to look for support from the family and friends.

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