Adaptability and flexibility of thinking – indicators of a healthy psyche. These qualities help us adapt to circumstances, change the behavior strategy if necessary and, as a result, achieve our.

It is enough to look through the message tape in any social network, and we will probably come across “motivating” quotes like “winners never give up” or “if you surrender, this is forever”. It seems to many that “surrender”, quit what has begun is a sign of character weaknesses. And vice versa, the willingness to suffer to the end in pursuit of achieving the goal is a sign of the highest valor.

Such ideas can do considerable harm. Sometimes in order to “surrender”, it will take more courage than to continue the fight. Here are a few examples of such situations.

۱٫ We understand that risks outweigh the possible benefits

Imagine that you set yourself a goal to run a marathon, but after two months of training, the doctor advised you to leave this idea due to heart problems. It is logical to conclude that a possible health risk is much exceeding any possible benefit from achieving the goal.

The decision to “surrender” if the risks exceed any possible benefits – this is

a sign of wisdom, not weaknesses. And far from always these risks are obvious in advance – sometimes you realize them already on the way to the goal. If at some point you understand that you can lose your health, relationships with loved ones or mental well-being, it may be better to just “get off the distance”.

۲٫ The reward is not worth such efforts

Sometimes we overestimate the significance of the goal that we set for ourselves. For example, it seems to us that if we drop 5 kg or get an increase in salary, our life will become double. As you move to the goal, we realize that success will not give us what we hoped for. The question arises – is it worth making such efforts? Often we come to the conclusion that there is no.

۳٫ Our goals have changed

Suppose for the New Year we firmly decided to return to good shape. But by March, our priorities have changed, and now we are focused on finding a new job. Sports have faded into the background. Changing your goals is completely normal. Revision of life goals and refusing to achieve old, already irrelevant, helps us grow and develop.

۴٫ Methods of achieving the result contradict our principles

Suppose we want to pay off debts as soon as possible. A worthy goal, but the methods of its achievement may not comply with our principles and values. For example, if we have to work in several work and do not see our relatives at all. Or if we are forced to earn money with dishonest or illegal methods.

۵٫ We drove ourselves into a corner

Do not continue something only because we have already invested a lot in it. Yes, it is difficult to force yourself to abandon the goal, which has been spent on many time and effort. But to say to myself “I have already invested so much, I cannot quit” is actually unreasonable and irrational. The sooner we decide to make this difficult decision, the more resources we will save for other tasks.

How to understand that it is time to “give up”?

Do not throw the work begun because of a minute discontent, fear or shame. It is important not to make hasty decisions and think everything. Remember that you do not have to prove anything to anyone. And the ability to change its decisions can be a sign of power, not weaknesses.

Weigh the pros and cons, trying to be guided by both mind and feelings. Perhaps someone from others will not like your decision to “give up” and leave. There is nothing wrong with this. It is necessary to remember: abandoning something, in return you acquire something very important-strength, time, health, mental balance.

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